Wednesday 17 June 2009

I have begun to notice that a lot of film posters share similar convention in portraying the conventions of an upcomming horror film, Some of the things in which they share is an extreme close up or close up image of someone or somethings face, with a small title placed either above or bellow the image. They also nearly always have a little slogan to go with the title in order to intise the audience even more.

Monday 15 June 2009

Targets for my skill areas

- Digital Technology
* I want to learn to manipulate photographic imagery within Adobe Photoshop. To achieve this i will attempt to learn the different tools made available within 'Photoshop'.

- Creativity
* I worked on my own last time so i wasn't able to share the feedback of a partner and to swap creative ideas with one anothyer. And even though i am again going to be working alone i will try to reciece more feedback from my audience as i develop the final piece.

- Research and Planning
* I feel that my planning was a lot better than my research so i intend to develop on this a lot more. I will be using information which is made available via the internet and incorporate it within a blog explaining the conventions of a horror film poster.

- Post- Production
* I would like to possibly incorporate some art work with some reall images aswell. Again i will have to relly upon the different programs and tools made available to me.

- Using Conventions from Real Media Texts
* I felt as though my last project followed its generic themes and conventions whilst at the same time i incorporated some of my own original ideas, i felt that this was succesful so i will again be following a similar system.

My new print project

Within my project i will be attempting to develop and elaborate upon some of my existing skills within this medium. The key areas i will be focussing on to emphasise my skills within, will be Digital technology, Creativity, research and planning, post production, and the use of conventions from real media texts. In order to do this i will be using photography rather than filming and be using a new computer software 'Adobe photoshop'.