Monday 15 June 2009

Targets for my skill areas

- Digital Technology
* I want to learn to manipulate photographic imagery within Adobe Photoshop. To achieve this i will attempt to learn the different tools made available within 'Photoshop'.

- Creativity
* I worked on my own last time so i wasn't able to share the feedback of a partner and to swap creative ideas with one anothyer. And even though i am again going to be working alone i will try to reciece more feedback from my audience as i develop the final piece.

- Research and Planning
* I feel that my planning was a lot better than my research so i intend to develop on this a lot more. I will be using information which is made available via the internet and incorporate it within a blog explaining the conventions of a horror film poster.

- Post- Production
* I would like to possibly incorporate some art work with some reall images aswell. Again i will have to relly upon the different programs and tools made available to me.

- Using Conventions from Real Media Texts
* I felt as though my last project followed its generic themes and conventions whilst at the same time i incorporated some of my own original ideas, i felt that this was succesful so i will again be following a similar system.

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